Same Old Song Commander and Chief

When I heard u speak at the DNC many months ago
I was filled with a sense of pride.
I was suddenly hopeful — unapathetic — and inspired.
“Maybe this guy is the one,” I mused.
You rode that wave right into the collective consciousness of an astounding majority —
And the electorate as well as popular vote was convincingly yours.
After all the cheers — tears — opining — and commentary —
Reality has set in.
It’s the same old song — the same spin — the same rhetoric — the same agenda —
The same objective.
Securing for future generations the imperialistic, colonialist, elitist, self-serving interest
of this bloodthirsty nation.
Preservation of what’s always been Established is your only concern.
You haven’t done anything substantially different from the 30 or 40 dudes before you.
Eloquence, charm, charisma and so-called straight talk can’t mask the reality
of your fallacy —
The devil is in the details.
I can decipher double talk,
I know 1/2 truths when I hear them.
My optimism has become sorrow and shame.
The symbolism your ascension provides can’t be discredited,
but that pales in comparison to what could have been
had you been who you’d been.
Your pedigree — your schooling — your grooming — your mentors —
all attest to someone who is truly conscious or should be.
Which makes this all the more disappointing.
Oh well. Such is life —
the same old song.

Written by Patrice D.
Located in Pontiac, IL
Category: Politics

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