At correctional camps like the one I’m at where there is so little to do, we call it “doing dead time”. There are only a few things we have to pass the time here, TV, exercise, a job, and reading. Thanks to programs which donate books to inmates, we get to escape from prison in the pages of a story or expand our mind to prepare us for the day we get out with knowledge through education books, dictionaries and spiritual books. It is too easy to side into a world of hate and the classic movie prisoner, but books allow us to escape here even if for a short time. Books are better than any counseling we can receive. Many of us never had the time or desire to read before coming to prison. But when books are discovered here they are not a chore or requirement like everything else here so they can be considered life savers or at least time savers. Believe it or not if the average inmate had to choose between losing their TV or their books most would surely pick keeping their books. So programs that help us get our hands on these life savers help keep us afloat and come out at the end of our time better people.
Tuesdays 6:30-9:00 pm
Wednesdays 1:00-4:00 pm
Thursdays 6:30-9:00 pm
Saturdays 1:00-4:00 pm
must sign up in advance.
Book Drop Offs
Books can be dropped off during volunteer hours. You do not need to sign up in advance, but check the sign up page to make sure we are open.
The average cost of mailing a three pound package of carefully selected books from our library is $6.18. Every gift helps fulfill our mission of supporting people in prison.
Prison Book Program
c/o Lucy Parsons Bookstore
1306 Hancock Street
Suite 100
Quincy, MA 02169