This book helped me understand spiritual growth and development. I recommend this book to anyone who has lost their beliefs. It applies to all different types of faith. So if you are going through a difficult time in your life and have become hopeless, broken, and ready to give up and die, this book may help to guide you through the darkness that you are encased in. It is filled with real-life stories and quotes, all of which are meant to help you understand a new level of spirituality. As the book calls it, “adult faith.” If you are truly lost, truly broken, you are ready to understand the wisdom in this book. Thank you, David Robert Anderson; you not only helped improve my life, you may have saved it.
Tuesdays 6:30-9:00 pm
Wednesdays 1:30-4:00 pm
Thursdays 6:30-9:00 pm
Saturdays 1:00-4:00 pm
must sign up in advance.
Book Drop Offs
Books can be dropped off during volunteer hours. You do not need to sign up in advance, but check the sign up page to make sure we are open.
The average cost of mailing a three pound package of carefully selected books from our library is $6.18. Every gift helps fulfill our mission of supporting people in prison.
Prison Book Program
c/o Lucy Parsons Bookstore
1306 Hancock Street
Suite 100
Quincy, MA 02169