The Cleric Quintet (Canticle, Book 1)

By R.A. Salvatore

This book is one of, if not my favorite, books ever. It is the first book I ever read that made me cry, laugh, whoop, hoot, and holler. It made me feel a whole spectrum of feelings and emotions. It’s also the first book that me and my mother discussed together. I was ashamed that I cried, and she told me that it was OK because that just showed that I have a heart and a GOOD book will do that for you.

Reviewed by Joseph
Located in Lillington, NC
The Cleric Quintet (Canticle, Book 1)

Book Drop off and Volunteer Hours

Tuesdays 6:30-9:00 pm
Wednesdays 1:30-4:00 pm
Thursdays 6:30-9:00 pm
Saturdays 1:00-4:00 pm

must sign up in advance
either just before you come or weeks in advance.

Book Drop Offs
Books can be dropped off during volunteer hours. You do not need to sign up in advance, but check the sign up page to make sure we are open.


We need your support

The average cost of mailing a package of carefully selected books from our library is $5. Every gift helps fulfill our mission of supporting people in prison.

Checks can be mailed to:

Prison Book Program
c/o Lucy Parsons Bookstore
1306 Hancock Street
Suite 100
Quincy, MA 02169

All donations to PBP are fully tax deductible. Our EIN is 20-3235673.


Prison Book Program relies on the support of people like you.

Just $3 covers the average cost of mailing a package of carefully selected books from our library of donated books!

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